
Friday, August 16, 2013

Pregnancy Diary II: Into the Second Trimester

This week's my 19th week of pregnancy and my tummy has grown exponentially. Sometimes I wonder if it's due to all the junk food I've been eating and I (quite routinely and very paranoid-ly) keep asking KU and my mum and sis if my bulging tummy looks like the result of too much eating or if I truly look preggers.

But that aside, I've been unemployed for about a month now. The first week, I had a feeling like I was on a holiday, cos in the past 6 years, I've never quit without a job, and even in between jobs I usually get only a day or two of rest before starting on the new job. But slowly. I've settled into sort of a routine: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, I wake up about 8-ish and go for a 30-minute walk at the stadium near our place, then I come back and do abit of resistance training; after which I make breakfast, eat, and then get some housework done for about 2 hours, then it's time to make lunch; after lunch, I either watch TV or make jewellery, then I make dinner, and wait for KU to come home. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I sleep in cos I don't exercise on those days; the rest of the morning is pretty much the same as the other days, and after lunch I'll walk over to my sister's place to spend some time with her and my precious little niece. :)

In the second trimester, there are a few very minor changes for me. My tummy has grown quite a bit and I can't fit into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes anymore. Due to the large tummy, I also have a bit more difficulty bending over to wash my lower legs when I shower, and I find that even when I can do so, I lose my balance more easily. 0___0

Nowadays, when I do my walking at the stadium, my calves and shins cramp more easily and they usually don't let up even when I stop to stretch. So I'm trying to take it easy and walk at a slower pace, but even then I still have to stop twice in a half hour to stretch out the cramps. :(

The water retention is also getting worse in my legs. I can't seem to wear any of my covered shoes, so my best friend is my Birkenstocks now. But I reckon I'll need to loosen the strap of the top of my Birkies as the pregnancy progresses. Thanks to Aunty Kat advice though, I think the water retention's not as bad as it could have been, cos I've taken to propping my legs up on a fat pillow when I sleep, so my calves are not that fat yet. *thanks God*

Sleep-wise, I'm having more trouble falling asleep. Probably cos I'm actually a stomach sleeper, and with the baby, I definitely can't sleep on my tummy anymore. These days I try to sleep more on my left cos that's what the pregnancy books say is the best sleeping position for baby. And I definitely can't sleep on my back anymore cos I've had some back problems previously and the pregnancy has just made it worst, so sleeping on my back gives me such a horrible horrible back ache.

Sometimes though, I feel like it's so surreal - me carrying this little human inside me. Besides the physical changes I'm experiencing, sometimes I can't believe I'm going to be a mother soon. But the moment I'm really looking forward to now is to feel our baby's first kick. :) I keep wondering how amazing it would feel and I think when it happens, it will really drive home the fact that I am pregnant and the constant kicking will be a testament of that. :)

Looking at my mummy friends and my own sister, who are enjoying motherhood, I'm sure it'll be fun times ahead . :)

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